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A New Pathway
There is a pathway, perfectly prepared for you alone. Follow along in anticipation of all that l have for you, holding My word in your hand.
Go with Me in joy onto this beautiful path prepared by Me for the one I love. Let nothing hinder you.
Walk along without fear or doubt, for now is the time to walk into more light and life.
I Am leading you into more glory, for My Name’s sake. Look ahead to see the light of My countenance, as you walk, day by day.
Take the time to enjoy your walk with Me, for the way is new and glorious!
Do you hear Me telling you to be My child again? You were born to be free from all the restraints that you yourself have allowed to be placed upon you. I made you a child for l have no adult children! If it were not so, then My children would not hold My hand nor serve each other in love.
l have made you especially childlike, because I have given you so many gifts that could intimidate others. I Am asking you to drop all the walls that you have put up that hide your true identity. I Am asking you to become My child and trust Me in childlike faith. I Am your protection and I know you and I keep you. Drop all the fences and go free today and every day. I want you to be free from all that holds you down, for l have much for you to do and say in My Name. You are a child of the day and I Am your Father of Lights. Walk before Me, looking for the good in yourself and in others. How else can you be true to who you are? You are a part of Me, created in My image to shine out into darkness. I do not need to be represented; I need you to be who I have created you to be, a true child of Mine.
Walk with Me and let My light shine forth; you will be a light and your burdens also will become lightness to you. You are My dearly beloved Child. My little children walk in real joy and strength. Author: Dianne Tylski
Original Available!Original canvas is available! Contact me for dimensions and pricing!
Closer To Jesus
I Am your friend, closer than a brother. You have invited Me into the place of intimacy, into the “bedroom” of our home, where we share thoughts of the day as lovers. Realize that I Am ever-present with you. I want to be with you every moment of the day. I Am always there! Turn around and see Me, for I Am tapping your on shoulder. I Am your friend and lover! We are living together in an intimate relationship. Tell Me all and I will share My heart, My mind, and My counsel with you. Listen to My Spirit wooing you. My love calls to you every day! We are Best Friends Forever! BFF’s, if you wish to laugh with Me. Let this be your one thought today. Rejoice your heart in My love and constant companionship.
Dove Of Peace
My peace I give to you – any time, any moment.
Just look in My direction. I Am just a prayer away.
Author: Dianne Tylski
Feather Angel
There are angels in your house by My assignment, and for your asking. Angels’ wings covered the ark of the covenant and so the angels’ wings are over you, as in days of old. I meet with you between the wings of angels that make a mercy seat over your home, for it is Mine. In your house you can feel the effects of My angelic covering. Sometimes an angel just stands behind you, watching curiously for your response.
Our relationship has gotten their attention! Take joy in our covenant relationship. Angels wonder at our talking, our sharing, and our sweet communion together. You and l are a heavenly wonder! Do not be amazed at the angels; be amazed that you and l are one in the reality of heaven. All of heaven wonders at this phenomenon. When your joy and attention is on Me, know that angels are present and always will be. Author: Dianne Tylski